2023/05 Versace – La Vacanza



La Vacanza

Spring-Summer Capsule 2023

Via Monte Napoleone 11, Milan


by Peter Hamer
may 11, 2023

Versace’s creative VM team is back and this time with a concept for the La Vacanza capsule collection. The round windows and color schemes recall a yacht (I think), which would make sense with the title of the collection, but this creative concept is as deep as the swimming pool on the floor. As a matter of fact, this is a type of concept you could see basically anywhere, especially for displaying a resort/summer collection.

There are however two great things about this display. The first is that it is in line with the water trend we’ve been seeing in different displays, and the second is that I’m super happy to see a window dedicated to men as this had been absent for a couple of months. Other than that, I’m flabbergasted by the anonymity of this concept. I’ve argued how previous Versace window concepts have heavily relied on the use of the greca and Medusa logos, but this is the total opposite. It doesn’t feature one single recognizable visual code, did they do this on purpose? And if so, what was their reasoning?

Let me make explain, the total retail value of the merchandise on display is 19,710€. Her look is 6,450€, his look 6,870€ and the three bags 6,390€. A concept like this puts so much pressure on the product, it forces the passerby to be very critical of the product for sale. Is this product up for that? Let me rephrase, is this concept worthy of having 20k€ worth of merchandise on display? You tell me.

Another issue with not having any recognizable brand element is the fact that while passersby up close might recognize your store, passersby from afar, won’t. All they’ll see is just another yacht window. A little greca or Medusa would have gone a long way here. Oh, one more thing, why are the mannequins standing in a pool?!